What This 5.11 Boots Review Did Will Shock You

The 5.11 Cable Hiker boots are tough comfortable and practical. The long shaft and laces as well as the toe reinforcements ensure that they are secure and safe for use in the field. These shoes are also very flexible.

They also come with a revolutionary heat-deflecting system that achieves structural goals while securing feet from extreme heat. This allows officers to be more productive and not suffer blisters on their feet.

Boots to be used for tactical reasons

The tactical boot 5.11 a/t mid boot is a style of shoe designed to support and protect your feet. It is made with a tall shaft to shield your ankles and is made of waterproof,durable leather or fabric. The boot also comes with a reinforced toe,as well as top-quality rubber outsoles. These features make the tactical boots the most appropriate for police and military personnel.

Most tactical boots are waterproof. This means they can withstand rain as well as other extreme conditions. The outsole also is constructed of durable rubber that is grippy and is able to stand up to slippery surfaces.

The dual density footbeds in tactical boots make them comfortable. These are soft and cool,which means that your feet don’t get worn out over long shifts. Another benefit of the tactical boots are their lacing-locking eyelets,which keep them from coming untied. This will keep the boots in place,even if your laces become loose during a shift. This is crucial for law enforcement officers who wear boots over long periods.


Uniforms are the clothing worn by members of an organization or group. These outfits identify them and allow them to stand out from the rest of the population. The outfits are designed for their job to make it easier. Police officers,firefighters and military personnel are examples who wear uniforms for their job.

5.11 Tactical has developed a new duty boot that goes beyond simply shield feet from the elements. The A/T 8HD boots have an energy-deflecting system that is able to reflect radiant heat from concrete and pavements. The boots are constructed from an amalgamation of fabrics and leather They are also designed to be breathable and lightweight.

Officers of the Thomson Police Department tested the boots and found them comfortable,durable and simple to break in. The only complaint was that they were too high and did not have side zippers. This is a problem police officers are frequently faced with.

side zip

They are available in a variety of designs and are an ideal complement to any uniform. They look like traditional lace-ups,but with an opening on the side. They’re great for males seeking a flexible fashionable and practical boot. They are suitable for casual wear,or with formal clothing. They come in many different sizes,colors and styles.

They are designed to provide you with the support and comfort you require on the job. They also help prevent tired feet. They are lightweight and long-lasting. They have a top-quality leather upper and a Gore-Tex waterproof liner. They’re also a great choice for police officers who are assigned to patrol duties.


Terrain load assist system

This year,5.11 Tactical introduced some brand new and innovative gear to the SHOT Show. One of these was a collection of footwear. The tactical boots were designed to mitigate the rigors of a long shift that carries heavy loads. These boots are equipped with the All Terrain Load Assistance System. The system consists of a piece that is placed between the outsole and insole to provide support for the ankle and foot. The plate is constructed from double-density polypropylene post-recycled,which improves the structural and torsion stability. This is particularly the case under heavy loads and prolonged use. The plates are additionally equipped with a polyurethane foam that helps return energy.

It is often difficult for law enforcement officers to carry heavy loads and stand on their feet. The Terrain Load Assistance System was created to assist with this issue. The system combines a rigid support plate with high-rebound foam that spreads the burden and provide cushioning for the feet. This technology can make a huge difference in the comfort of shifting. It also helps prevent foot soreness in specific areas.
