Phoenix Driving Instructors Advice for Driving in Rain

Most driver have to drive at least once a year during a severe storm. These drivers will take risks when driving through torrential rain. This rain can make the roads slightly slippery and challenging to drive on, making the average trip a little more dangerous than expected. If you feel like you have to drive in the rain, make sure you are instructed and prepared. These tips for driving in rain will help you navigate wet roads as quickly and safely as possible. Follow the advice of a professional Phoenix driving insturctor to learn how to master driving in the rain.

Maintain a Slower Pace

The first thing to watch out for when it rains on the road is to pay attention to the road conditions. Rain makes the road wet, which can make it easily slippery and unsafe. When exposed to this rain, force yourself to go under the speed limit. If you drive more slowly, you will find more directional stability and control when driving in the rain. Remember that you will have to drive slower than expected, and the traffic will also slow down. Try to reach your destination earlier to gain additional travel time. Running in the rain for cats and dogs and on wet roads is dangerous.

Keep Your Distance

When driving under normal conditions, the rule of thumb is to keep a distance of 3 seconds from the vehicle in front. This distance should increase in rainy weather. As the required braking distance increases when the road surface is wet, you need more space to stop quickly as vehicle control and traction decrease. It is also extremely important to stay vigilant. Always watch out for the brake lights in front of you! While it is impossible to do without the brakes entirely, it is advisable to use them when necessary. Instead of stepping on the brakes to reduce speed, take your foot off the accelerator.


Make sure your headlights are on in heavy rain so other drivers can see you even when visibility is limited. Even if the wipers don`t adjust fast enough to keep up with rain, you should slow down. If you`re still having trouble seeing lane markings or other road signs, turn off the freeway and take a break. In most cases, the rain will ease, and you can safely get back on the road. If you know you will be driving in rainy weather, prepare your vehicle for the trip. Use a rain repellent on the windshield as it will help remove rain from your view. You should also ensure your windshield wiper is filled with liquid, as this can help remove debris that wet road conditions could cause.


Always stay in your comfort zone while driving and watch out for other cars. While you are following these guidelines, other drivers can drive recklessly and put you in danger. In this case, you can take legal action against the negligent driver.If you want to driving in rain, you need to stay focused. Keep these tips in mind to be as safe as possible. These tips will help you avoid many of the potential problems associated with driving in the rain. The slower you go and the more you do to improve your visibility, the safer you are.
